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Hengam Island is an island-village of Qeshmcounty, Hormuzgan Province of Iran. It is one of the foursome of islands that traditionally have comprised the offshore dependencies of Bandar Abbas, on the northern littoral of the Strait of Hormuz. The others are Qeshm, Hormuz, and Larak islands.

Hengam is located two kilometers off Qeshm's southern coast, across a channel that is on the average about eighteasures deep. Geologically, it is a salt plug, just like Hormuz, Larak, and Abu Musa islands: It has a rocky geography that is dominated by multiple hills and dented by caves.

 In Persian, the word hengam refers to "time" and "season.Both concepts could have applied to an island which, as reported in modern times, has been noted for being habitable only for a part of the year due to humidity, heat, and pesky insects, a variety of which could have been the same as the hangami insects, which are called such because of appearing and disappearing quickly.

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