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Tehran Bazar

Tehran Bazar is a fascinating place. You can find anything to buy on this site. Tehran bazzar has been the biggest baazar in tehran in which they traders have a power in economy. Usually they strike when taxes goes up and they may curtail the result.


Jameh Bazar (Friday market)

A car park and adjoining shopping center near the corner of Jomhuri-ye Eslami Ave and Ferdosi St is where vendors from across Iran and Central Asia lay out their rugs to sell whatever they can on Friday mornings. Like Portobello in London.


Tajrish bazzar
Is the second greatest bazzar


Mr Motashami’s Shop

Located in a small room in Khan-e Tabatabei, this shop sells a range of locally produced mantos, scarves, blouses and dresses in cotton and silk.

Saroye Saeed

Mashhad is a great place to buy carpets. Saroye Saeed is a carpet market which mostly aim at whole sellers so prices can be excellent.



In grand bazzar of tehran , miri farsh shop is a reknown shop for selling the best quality carpets for many years. It’s one of the most trustfull places to visit if you have wish to purchase a carpet.


Nakhajir Camping Shop

Nakhajir Camping Shop sells the best camping gear including head torches, sprung hiking sticks  and 1:300,000 Farsi maps of the Alborz .


Pari khanum shop

It’s a flat of her that sells traditional handmade art crafts and dresses of Iranian culture. if you are interested in old traditional accessories , it’s definitely a place to see.


Hat Shops

Hat shops sell traditional papakh made of tight-curled astrakhan wool.


Book city

Book city has become a chain in different parts of the Tehran which have books (all genre), english , farsi and CDs , painting materials , and sometimes accessories.


Bazar-e Reza

Upstairs in Bazar-e Reza , jewelries (mined at nearby Neishabur) but their sales pitch is often more impressive than their gems.


Highland Supermarket

This place is full of hard-to-find Western goods, such as coffee, baby products, pads and tampons, condoms, magazines and plenty of baby products.

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